Board Meetings will be held at Rivanna Administration Offices (2nd floor conference room), 695 Moores Creek Lane, Charlottesville, VA. Click here for more information
The agenda, which includes links to pertinent documents, will be posted no later than the Friday prior to the Board Meeting. Click here for more information
The agenda, which includes links to pertinent documents, will be posted no later than the Friday prior to the Board Meeting. Click here for more information
RIVANNA WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY RIVANNA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY INVITATION FOR BID (IFB No. 426) Grounds and Facilities Maintenance – As Needed The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) and the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority[...]
RIVANNA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY and RIVANNA WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: RFP 25-04 The Rivanna Solid Waste Authority and Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority desire to procure, through competitive negotiations, Environmental and Landfill Services[...]
" Our knowledgeable and professional team serves the Charlottesville, Albemarle, and UVA community by providing high-quality water and wastewater treatment, refuse, and recycling services in a financially responsible and sustainable manner. "
We are a wholesale water provider and recycling/solid waste service provider