As the result of recent rains, reduced demand by the community in response to water use restrictions, operational strategies implemented by Rivanna staff, and cooperative changes authorized by our regulators with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir has been 100% full and overflowing since 7:30 p.m. on November 1.
On Tuesday, November 14, 2017 the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Board of Directors authorized the Executive Director to notify the Albemarle County Service Authority, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and the Charlottesville Director of Public Utilities that water use restrictions are no longer required. The Service Authority, the County, and the City have been notified that a drought emergency no longer exists. The recommendation to rescind mandatory water restrictions will be considered by the Service Authority and Albemarle County on Thursday, November 16, 2017 and by City Council on Monday November 20, 2017.
We will continue to work with the Virginia Department of Environment Quality and our watershed consultant to optimize operational and regulatory procedures and complete any needed repairs of gates and meters located in the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir in preparation for the next period of dry weather. We are now transferring water from Sugar Hollow Reservoir to refill Ragged Mountain Reservoir, which may take four to six months.
We want to recognize and express our appreciation for the efforts by the City, County, Service Authority, and Community to support the water use restrictions since they were requested by Rivanna on October 3, 2017.
Drought News & Information: https://www.rivanna.org/drought/
Community Water Supply Plan: https://www.rivanna.org/community-water-supply-plan/