Imagine a Day Without Water – Fan Favorite Voting
Fan Favorite Voting for the 2019 Imagine a Day without Water Art Contest The City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County Service Authority, and Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority held an art contest open to all Charlottesville City and Albemarle County students in Grades K – 12. Students were asked to show how they ONLY USE WHAT THEY NEED as part of a national campaign to bring attention to the value of water. We need YOU to help us select a FAN FAVORITE art poster by voting for your favorite at this link! The art poster with the most votes wins! Don’t forget to tell your friends...
Read MoreGreat Pumpkin Smash
Go green this Halloween and compost your pumpkin! Participants will be able to “smash” their pumpkins by dropping them into a large composting container. Information regarding the RSWA, City, and County composting and recycling programs will be available. Pumpkin composting is free of charge and open to City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County residents. Where: McIntire Recycling Center, 611 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 When: November 2, 2019 from 8:30am to 6:30pm How to Compost Pumpkins should be free of inorganic material, such as candles, wax, artificial lighting,...
Read MoreeWaste Collection Date Announced
Rivanna Solid Waste Authority will host an electronic waste collection day on Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Ivy Material Utilization Center, 4576 Dick Woods Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903. During this program, residents of the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County will be able to dispose of e-waste for free. To participate, residents must preregister for this event. Registration will begin on Tuesday, October 1st at 8:00 am. Participants will be asked to register for a specific time window. Once the time slot has filled, a confirmation email will be sent to...
Read MoreOyster Shell Recycling at McIntire Recycling Center
Starting the week of September 23, 2019, the McIntire Recycling Center will be the new home for the collection of oyster shells in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area. This collection point, which is open to the public as well, will collect oysters from restaurants and homes to be recycled back into oyster habitat in the Chesapeake by the Virginia Oyster Shell Recycling and Restoration Program (VOSRP). The VOSRP is a collaborative, community-based, restoration program of the VCU Rice Rivers Center (RRC). The VOSRP began in 2013 to collect waste oyster shell from businesses and the general...
Read MoreImagine a Day Without Water
This year for our Imagine a Day without Water (IADWW) Art Contest we are holding a kickoff event on August 28th from 3-5pm at the Shops at Stonefield. There will be information on our public water utilities and water sources, free giveaways to help you save water, and music entertainment provided by 106.1 the Corner! We are also excited to announce that the City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County Service Authority, and Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority are holding the 5th annual Imagine a Day without Water Art Contest. The goal of this contest is to educate Charlottesville and Albemarle...
Read MoreEnhanced Security at Administrative Facility
Rivanna Authorities takes the safety of its employees and visitors seriously. As an upgrade to our current security measures, we have hired an off-duty, uniformed Albemarle County Police Officer to be present in the lobby of the Administrative building during our monthly Board meetings. The officer will remain in the first floor lobby for the duration of the meetings. Public check-in and check-out procedures will now take place in the first floor lobby, as well.
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