Construction of New Transfer Station Begins
Construction of the new Transfer Station will begin in mid to late October as the building contractor, Lantz Construction Company (Lantz) of Broadway, Virginia, begins clearing the site and constructing storm water controls. The construction project will continue through the winter and is expected to be completed by the late fall of 2018.
Neighbors to the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center (Ivy SWRC) may notice some intermittent additional truck traffic along portions of Dick Woods Road as concrete and building materials are delivered to the site. The contractor is expected to work normal daylight hours, Monday through Friday. There is no blasting planned for the project. Now that we are entering autumn and the leaves have begun falling from the trees, some of the construction work will be visible along the north side of Dick Woods Road (just to the west of the site entrance). Once complete, we expect that the remaining woodlands and planted visual buffers will screen much of the new facility.

Floor Plan and Proposed Traffic Flow
- Preliminary design completed January 2017
- Accepted construction bids August 3rd, 2017
- Received approval for Albemarle County site plan and water protection ordinance permit August 8, 2017
- Board approval of construction award September 2017
- Construction begins November 2017
- Groundbreaking Ceremony November, 17, 2017
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony August 23, 2018 at 10am
- For more information and to RSVP, please click here.
- Grand Opening 9-25-18
The same services offered at the Ivy SWRC now, will continue to be offered at the New Ivy Transfer Station (for a full list of those services please visit the Ivy SWRC page).
RSWA is currently developing a Master Plan for the new Ivy Transfer station that will examine expanding those services. The Master Plan will be completed by November 2018. The RSWA Board of Directors will review the plan for approval at its November board meeting. Should the Board approve the expanded services, those services will be advertised implemented by winter of 2018.
Progress Images
- Ivy TS floor being poured
- Ivy TS walls going up
- Paving for the new road – July 31, 2018