Septage Receiving at 695 Moores Creek Lane
The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) will accept residential and commercial septage wastewater and prior-approved commercial/industrial process wastewater for disposal at the Moores Creek Advanced Water Resource Recovery Facility (MCAWRRF) located in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Regular hours are Monday through Friday 7:00am-5:00pm. Deliveries made outside these hours, on weekends, or holidays please call (434) 906-0760 and ask the operator on duty to open the gate. Receiving at these times are subject to a surcharge, as per the chart below.
Effective July 1, 2024
Septage Disposal Rates Per 1,000 Gallons |
Regular Hours
6:00 am – 5:30 pm |
After Hours, Weekends,
& RWSA Holidays |
Albemarle County/City of Charlottesville | $72.00 (0.072/gallon) | $99.00 ($0.099/gallon) |
Beyond Albemarle County/City of Charlottesville | $99.00 | $138.00 |
Approved Mobile Kitchens | $0.00 | $0.00 |
RVs/Motorhomes /Campers/Charter Buses | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Mobile kitchens, RVs, motorhomes, campers, charter buses not subject to fee due to small quantity.
Fees are set by the Board of Directors and are subject to periodic revision. |
The Moores Creek entrance gate will be open from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on non-holiday weekdays. Regular fees will apply for disposal between 6:00 am and 7:00 am, and 5:00 pm and 5:30 pm.
Disposal Guidelines
1. The Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) will accept residential and commercial septage wastewater and prior-approved commercial/industrial process wastewater for disposal at the Moores Creek Advanced Water Resource Recovery Facility (MCAWRRF) located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Septage wastewater is defined as residential or commercial domestic wastewater that originates from septage systems, and sewage from portable/chemical toilets (e.g., porta potties).
2. Acceptance of all liquid wastes other than septage wastewater (i.e., commercial/industrial process wastewater) will be considered and priced strictly on a case by case basis.
3. Requests for acceptance must be made prior to delivery. A Wastewater Hauler Application or Wastewater Generator Disposal Application as well as a $35 application fee is required from all new business applicants.
4. Prohibited Wastes:
a. Wastewater outside the pH range of 5.5 to 9.5 will not be accepted.
b. No fats, oils, or grease (F.O.G.) will be accepted.
c. Any wastewater that may cause pollutants to pass through or that would interfere with the wastewater treatment process is prohibited.
d. Any wastewater transported from a business or industry (other than septage wastewater) must be pre-approved by the RWSA Wastewater Manager or RWSA Director of Operations.
e. Any wastewater that has not been pre-approved in writing by RWSA is prohibited.
f. Septage wastewater and commercial/industrial process wastewater cannot be combined into the same load in the same truck.
5. Transportation to and disposal of any of these wastewaters at the MCAWRRF is strictly prohibited and may result in permit revocation.
6. This policy will be rigidly enforced.
7. Approved wastewater may be disposed of at any time. Disposal between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on non-holiday weekdays is subject to the regular-hours fee noted in the table above. Wastewater deliveries made outside the established normal operating hours and on weekends and RWSA-observed holidays will be charged at a higher rate as noted in the table above. For deliveries made when the gate is closed, drivers must call (434) 906-0760 and ask that the operator on duty open the gate. This policy is established in recognition of the limited number of personnel on duty, their primary work assignments, and the security of our employees and facilities.
8. Approved haulers will be provided a Personal Identification Number (PIN #) to access the designated discharge site(s). The haulers are responsible for the clean-up of any spills or leakage of their wastewater at the designated discharge site or elsewhere, and for returning the discharge hose to its proper place.
9. All wastewater is to be disposed of at the North Side discharge station unless otherwise instructed. Wastewater is to be unloaded by gravity feed only (no pumping allowed). Using the pump truck to pump wastewater through the receiving unit can damage RWSA equipment and is strictly prohibited. Haulers observed unloading wastewater in a manner other than gravity feed will be monetarily responsible for any damages to the equipment. In addition, disposal privileges may be revoked and the Health Department notified.
10. All delivered wastewater will be metered for billing and reporting purposes. Waste haulers will be billed by RWSA for all septage wastewater. Disposal of approved commercial/industrial process wastewater will be billed directly to the waste generator. Invoices are mailed on or about the 26th of the following month and due by the 25th of the month, subject to a finance charge thereafter. No acceptance from accounts that are over 60 days old will be allowed until paid in full and credit is re-established by RWSA.
Our main location is on the north side of the Moores Creek facility. The south side location is not in service but may be used as a backup option.
Septage haulers of domestic wastewater, sludge or prior-approved business wastewater from the City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and surrounding counties who wish to dispose at our Moores Creek Advanced Water Resource Recovery Facility must fill out an application for approval and pay a $35 application fee. This application must be approved prior to delivery. Wastewater other than domestic will be considered and priced on a case-by-case basis.
For a full list of disposal rates, procedures, and guidelines click here.
To fill out an application or for questions, please email: info@rivanna.org or call (434) 977-2970.
Septage wastewater is defined as residential or commercial domestic wastewater that originates from septage systems, and sewage from portable/chemical toilets (e.g., porta potties).