Ivy SWRC Services and Fees

Customers at Ivy MUC Transfer Station

Customers at Ivy MUC Transfer Station


Items, priced per ton as listed below, will include a service fee per trip.

Minimum disposal charge is $6.00 (not including service fee).

Payment Options: We accept credit card, cash, check or previously opened accounts at the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center. New Accounts can only be opened through the Main office at Moores Creek.

Service Fees:

  • Albemarle County residents and businesses: $1.00 per trip/ticket
  • Non-Albemarle County residents and businesses: $10.00 per trip/ticket

Rate Schedule – Effective July 1, 2024

Click here for the full current RSWA Rate Resolution – Effective July 1, 2024


The RSWA Transfer Station at Ivy accepts municipal solid waste from private citizens and collection vehicles servicing Charlottesville and Albemarle. Customers enter the station by making the first LEFT turn after the scale house. The waste is loaded into the transfer trailers and taken to an offsite landfill.

Please do not bring hot or smoldering items to the Ivy SWRC. 

Small loads (pickup trucks or equivalent sized trailers) with construction and demolition debris will be accepted at the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center Transfer Station.

Stumps, brush, and other vegetative material will continue to be ground into mulch for sale to the general public. The mulch is a finer grade of material than previously being offered due to the grinding and screening operation now being used.

CLEAN FILL MATERIAL ($10.00/ton) (Effective Jan. 8, 2019: Updated Clean Fill Acceptance Requirements)
RSWA accepts clean fill material: clean dirt, clean concrete and asphalt only.


Passenger Car Tire Rim Off $6.00 each

Passenger Car Tire with Rim $13.00 each

Truck Tire Rim Off $17.00 each

Truck Tire with Rim $33.00 each


Freon Appliances $17.00 each

Non-Freon Appliances $9.00 each


COMPOST ($75.00/ton)

ENCORE SHOP ITEMS (price varies)



Freshly ground mulch from local vegetation will be free, when available.

Paint Collection
1 gal, 5 gal, quarter gallon original containers of latex and oil-based paint are now accepted on a daily basis at no charge.  No other paint-related products will be accepted with this program. This collection service is free and is separate from our regular household hazardous waste disposal days. Full details on the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center page.

Citizen Convenience Center and Tag-A-Bag Program
The Convenience Center located at the Ivy Center allows for easy drop-off of a wide range of recyclables (https://www.rivanna.org/ivy-material-utilization-center-muc/) and disposal of household waste in tagged bags or trash cans up to 32 gallons in size. Tag-a-Bag stickers can be purchased at the Ivy scale house. TAG-A-BAG STICKERS are $2.00/one or sheets of 12 for $24.00/each. Bags or cans larger than 32 gallons or loose items must cross the scales.

Mail Order Tag-A-Bag Stickers

Mail Order Tag-a-Bag Stickers Purchases are available Starting on June 15, 2020.

If interested, customers should include the following information:

  • Make out checks, payable to “Rivanna Solid Waste Authority” in the amount of $24 per 12 stickers (or multiples thereof), please write “Tag-A-Bag” in the check memo section.
  • Send checks to: Rivanna Solid Waste Authority Tag-a-Bag Stickers, 695 Moores Creek Lane Charlottesville, VA 22902
  • Include, with your check, the Mail Order Form or write your mailing address and contact information on a sheet of paper

Mail Order sticker purchases may take up to 10 business days to complete.

Stickers may also be purchased at the Scale House at the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center during normal operating hours.

Motor Oil and Antifreeze Recycling
RSWA collects and recycles motor oil and antifreeze at the Ivy Convenience Center free of charge from residents of Albemarle County and City of Charlottesville received during normal hours of operation.

Fall and Spring Household Hazardous Waste Collection 
Dates  to be announced on our HHW webpage. Motor oil, antifreeze, household and car batteries, oil-based and latex paints, paint related products, fluorescent light tubes, CFLs, cell phones, floor and furniture polish, household cleaners and solvents, adhesives, acids, pesticides, 5-gallon grill propane tanks accepted free of charge. Items not accepted at any time: explosives, ammunition, radioactive material, medical waste, asbestos or items containing asbestos. Hours of acceptance are 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Special Collection Events
During the spring and fall (dates to be announced on our webpage), residents of Albemarle County and City of Charlottesville can dispose of furniture, mattresses, appliances and tires free of charge on designated Saturdays at the Ivy Center. Hours of acceptance are 8:30 am – 4:00 pm.