RWSA provides clean, safe, high-quality drinking water to the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County Service Authority’s over 130,000 customers. We then treat the wastewater so that it can be safely returned back to the aquatic environment. The RWSA operates five reservoirs at Ragged Mountain, Sugar Hollow, South Fork Rivanna, Totier Creek, Beaver Creek, along with six water treatment plants, and four wastewater treatment plants.

Moore Creek Facility. Photo/Andrew Shurtleff Photography, LLC
RSWA provides recycling, solid waste, and hazardous waste disposal services to City and County residents each month at the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center, McIntire Recycling Center, Southern Albemarle Convenience Center, and Paper Sort Facility on Meade Ave.

Ivy MUC. Photo/Andrew Shurtleff Photography, LLC