Brief History
Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RSWA) was created in 1990 by the City and County to assume operation of the existing Ivy Landfill, which later closed in 1998. Since landfill closure, RSWA has successfully developed and implemented a remediation program for groundwater surrounding the landfill site, remedying the results of landfill practices from the 1960s through the 1980s that did not meet today’s standards. In its early years, the RSWA Board also set policy for reuse and recycling of solid waste; however, in more recent years the County and City have each taken back policy setting, and today most solid waste generated within the Charlottesville-Albemarle region is collected and managed by the private sector, with RSWA providing only limited programs requested and funded by one or both local governments.
As the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RSWA), we provide recycling, solid waste, and household hazardous waste disposal services to over 3,000 city and county residents each year from our facilities at the McIntire Recycling Center, the Southern Albemarle Convenience Center, the Ivy Solid Waste & Recycling Center (SWRC), and the Paper Sort Facility on Meade Avenue. RSWA is funded jointly by the City of Charlottesville and County of Albemarle and therefore provide services according to the City and County budget allocations.
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) was created in 1972 by the City and County to provide wholesale water supply, water treatment, and wastewater interception and treatment for the City and Albemarle County. RWSA’s initial successes were in obtaining federal and state grants to improve wastewater treatment. Within the past 10 years, significant capital investment has improved services to the community through a successful 50-year water supply plan and significant wastewater system upgrades, while also focusing on environmental stewardship through initiatives such as improved ecological flow releases from dams to rivers, advanced nutrient removal from wastewater, upgrading wastewater transmission to carry peak capacities during major storm events, and generating compost and “green” energy from wastewater biosolids.
As the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA), our staff is dedicated to providing an adequate water supply for now and in the future while protecting the natural environment. Drinking water is distributed throughout the community by ACSA, Charlottesville Public Utilities, or by individual property owners’ wells. We then receive all the community’s wastewater, treat it, and safely return it back to the environment in the form of clean water to the rivers for vibrant aquatic life. We also return nutrients to the soil for plant growth via composting efforts and capture methane to use as green energy.
Rivanna is an independent public agency and wholesale water provider. What is the difference between a Wholesale Water and Wastewater Utility and a Retail Utility? Find out here!
If you are a resident of Charlottesville, your water utility can be found at City of Charlottesville Utilities Department
If you are a resident of Albemarle County, your water utility can be found at Albemarle County Service Authority
Industry Leaders
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority is a respected environmental and industry leader in the region. We strive to be one of the best wholesale utilities in the U.S. We have gained state and regional recognition for the Ragged Mountain Dam, Rehabilitation Projects, Safety, and Financial Reporting.
RWSA uses advanced technology and processes and we set high standards of performance for our practices and throughout our industry.
Recognition and Awards

GFOA Certificate of Achievement
Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, RSWA & RWSA 2023
American Water Works Association Larry Gordon Facility Safety Award, 2022
Certificate of Achievement, Exemplary Environmental Enterprise E3 program, Virginia Environmental Excellence Program, from 2008 – 2017
Engineering Excellence Honor Award for the Meadowcreek Interceptor, American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), 2016
Best Major Construction Award, Virginia Lakes and Watershed Association, 2015
Ragged Mountain Dam Honor Award for Engineering Excellence, American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Virginia, 2015
APWA Award for Ragged Mountain Dam, Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American Public Works Association, 2015
Community Partnerships

American Water Works Association
Water Research Foundation
Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Research Foundation
Solid Waste Association of North America
Virginia Association of Municipal Wastewater Agencies
Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Association
Greater Charlottesville Chamber of Commerce